ClearPeaks featured in Pipeline Magazine!

ClearPeaks featured in Pipeline Magazine
We are excited to be featured in the Suppliers Focus section of this month´s issue of Pipeline Magazine!

Pipeline Magazine delivers the latest Oil, Gas and Energy news from the Middle East and across the globe,  and is the world’s leading specialist magazine for OSS, BSS, ICT, and ICE technology news and information.

We have been active in the Middle East for eight years now,  with offices in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, allowing us to provide our award-winning services to meet growing demand in the region, where the shifting economic landscape makes BI is an increasingly valuable asset. We are proud to say that our operations there are constantly expanding, and this year alone we will be delivering several major projects, with more “in the pipeline” for the coming years.

Read the full article here: 

Pipeline Magazine June 2016 – Suppliers Focus!

